News and analysis for those planning for or living in retirement

August 6, 2021

From MarketWatch:

Where should I retire? MarketWatch’s updated tool can help you find your dream spot and warn you of climate risks: Looking for a specific climate? Or a certain proximity to a hospital or museum? Worried about taxes? Try MarketWatch’s new tool.

Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies and your retirement savings — what to do and what NOT to do: Join MarketWatch reporters Alessandra Malito and Brett Arends discuss cryptocurrencies in retirement portfolios, and when it is or isn’t appropriate.  

Seniors, vaccinations and the Delta variant — what you need to know: There are a lot of questions about COVID-19 vaccinations

Also on MarketWatch:

Forget about the future: Americans are doing what it takes to get by today 

I think eating grilled meat is deadly. How can I tell my hosts to stop pushing barbecue onto my plate?

Four hiring trends you should know about and how to put them to work for you 

Have you included digital assets in your estate plan?

Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease: How to spot — and prevent — them 

A financial check-up today could help your retired self in the future 

Get rich, live longer

More in retirement news:

Will working while retired affect Social Security or Medicare? (

What’s the ideal asset mix in retirement? Is it 70/30? 60/40? (Wall Street Journal)

How The Mom Project is helping women maximize their retirement savings (EBN)

The mystery of the missing workers, explained (Bloomberg Businessweek)

Retiring in the next 5 years? Make these five decisions now (Kiplinger)

Research and Insight:

Workers are saving for retirement despite challenges amid the pandemic (Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies)

What Gen Z and millennials need to know about how retirement planning has changed (Real Simple)

Survey says: Retirees wish they’d saved more. Will you be in the same boat? (Entrepreneur)

Keys to facilitating retirement success (Plansponsor)

Aging minorities struggle in drug treatment (Center for Retirement Research at Boston College)

To share with your family, friends and clients:

‘Have I left the best of me behind?’ Why you need an elevator pitch for retirement 

Retirement security ‘is shakier than ever’ and ‘Americans are not saving enough’ for old age 

That’s not funny: A guide to jokes and humor at work 

A wake-up call to retirees who don’t get enough sleep 

Can lack of sleep lead to dementia?

Depression isn’t a ‘normal’ part of aging — how to treat and prevent it 

Can older workers command a better salary when switching jobs?

Tired and retired? Here’s how to get a good night’s sleep ‘We don’t know how many people are being held captive against their will’ — can we fix America’s broken conservatorship system?